Lose Your Mind

We do have the mind of Christ!  The mind of Christ is in our spirit and can only be understood through faith and the revelation of the Holy Ghost. Losing your natural mind and focus on the truth of the word of God is the first step to renewing your mind to think the way […]

He is our Shelter

The love of the Lord is not only endless but supernatural. When we face times of adversity and uncertainty our reflex should be run to our shelter. Jesus is our shelter. 

Listen Just Listen

We have the Holy Spirit as our teacher, Guide, comforter and all we have to do is Listen! Praise the Lord ! Just listen 

Intoxicated By His Love

The more we understand the Live of Jesus the more we will stand in faith. There is no fear in perfect love. Song of Songs is a prophetic book that will unlock the love the Lord has for you. The more you love the word the more your love grows for the Lord. 

Jesus Always

The Holy Spirit is the only one who can give us the true revelation knowledge. By renewing our minds and with understanding we can live the life Jesus provided for us.