I Am The Same God

Faith is the SUBSTANCE of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen. Noah pleased God because he used faith. We can learn from Noah and his faith in things not yet seen. 

Faith Starts With The Word

Faith IS the substance, the substance is the Jesus the Word. Of things hoped for that is all Gods promises and benefits of salvation. Faith alone saves but saving faith is never alone there is always an action on the believer behalf. 

The Heart Will Speak

Issues of Life flow from our heart and not from outside influences or circumstances. Whatever is in the heart will eventually be put into spoken words. We have the power of Life in our words and will will eat from the fruits it will produce. 

Hope Is A Tree Of Life

Faith is the foundation of a believer. Faith is the SUBSTANCE of things we hope for and the evidence of the things not yet seen. Hope is a powerful tool that has been given to everyone. Don’t allow your Hope to be broken, dashed or defeated. 

Believing With Actions

James give us a life changing revelation in that the body without the spirit is dead. So is Faith without works is dead. 


Hebrew teaches us that our World was FRAMED by the word of God. We must Rest and remain in faith as we trust the promises of God. 

Words are Powerful

We have the power to speak life and bear fruit. The promises are yours and mine along with everything the Lord has provided for us. Speaking Life and speaking the Word will change your life. 

Walking On Top Of The Storm

We trust in the word at all times, even when the storms make no sense or seem overwhelming. When we apply the word of God to our life, meditating on His word Day and Night we make our way to prosper. 

Time To Praise

Even in the darkest most dangerous and difficult times Paul knew that it always best to offer Praise to the Lord.