Even in the darkest most dangerous and difficult times Paul knew that it always best to offer Praise to the Lord.
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Who do you say I am
Jesus asked the disciples a question, who do they say I am? Then he followed that question up with another question, who do YOU say I am. It really doesn’t matter at all who others say He is, it only matters who you say He is.
Active Faith
Faith that is not acted on is not God’s kind of faith. We must put a demand on what the Lord Jesus Christ has provided for us as his people.
A Place Called There
The Lord sent a supply to a place called there where the prophet would be fed. God is our supply but we must go in faith and receive all the promises wherever He says to go.
When the disciples were filled with the Holy Ghost they all received power from on high. As the church grew in number the persecution also began to increase. The men and women of God prayed for boldness with the power of God releasing through them His power. Unity, boldness and the power of God is […]
Faith Demands Action
Humility and Faith is the recipe for a miracle. We have Holy Spirit speaking to us the plan of God for our Lives, now we are to do whatever He says to do. Faith demands actions even if we do not see the answer in the natural or physical realm.
The Power Source Is Jesus
We already have power and it comes from Jesus. Jesus conquered death hell and the grave and rose triumphant for the Church to live in His power and authority.
It Is Not A Potluck
Jesus first public miracle after being baptized was to turn water into wine. Mary had persistent faith that if Jesus would get up He would do exactly what His Father told him to do. The Song of Songs tells us that He brings us into His banquet table and everything is supplied, all we need […]
Lessons from the storm
When Jesus sent His disciples across the lake His words had enough power and authority to get them there. A storm caused the disciples to row for hours until Jesus came walking by. He was in the same storm but His focus was on the work of His father. We can learn many lessons from […]
Hornets of Heaven
Part one of this message is about how in the Old Testament God blessed the bread and water. While in the New Testament He blessed the bread and wine. God always has a sneak attack on your enemy if you will walk by faith and not by sight.